Quick Tip - The Hip Tip
Folks, you're getting a lengthy one today. It's a great time for it, to be fair. At least here, the weather is still cold, and this one is a good one to chew on while we wait for it to warm up. Today is a tip on the hips and the topic is torque, so let's start off with an introduction to the subj...
Quick Tips - Behind the Ball
Folks, you're getting a bit of a two-sided Quick Tip today. The meat of it, the instruction, is all about what do do if you're consistently hitting your irons behind the ball. That's a pretty common problem for a golfer to have, but an even more common thing is golfers not getting actual 1-on-1 c...
Quick Tips - Pivot and Hinge
As you all know by now, all positions in the golf swing are connected, and an error in one inevitably leads to errors elsewhere in the swing. With that in mind, it's hard to say which position is the most important. Obviously the purpose of the swing in its entirety is to reach perfect impact, or...
Quick Tip - Iron Address
We were talking kinematic sequence last week, today I'd like to continue that talk, but boil it down to one part of the body. If you saw the title of the email, you know that we will be talking about iron address, specifically feet placement. The Alignment and Ball Position Trainer sorts all that...
Quick Tip - Keeping it Together
A few months ago, I'd mentioned that I've been out on the range working on my full swing, and that I'd been struggling with coming over the top. It's a natural result of having played baseball for so long, and being new to the swing. While the kinematic sequence, the collection of motions the bod...
Quick Tips - It's Not What You Think
Folks, let's face it. Sometimes you assess a problem with something, only to learn that it is actually caused by something else. The flaw you're noticing is just a symptom stemming from an error at some entirely different point. Today, we look at what that looks like when it comes to the golf swi...
Quick Tips - Loosen Up
When it comes to generating speed, there is an extremely common way that golfers, and in truth most athletes, hold themselves back. Back in the baseball days, we did velocity testing, and naturally, I'd throw the ball as hard as possible. Turns out, the last few throws when I was tired, and thus ...
Quick Tips - A Tip for the Hips
Two questions for today. One- What is the most dynamic part of the body during the golf swing? Two- What is one of the first parts of the body to lose mobility with age and lack of proper maintenance? If you took a golf swing at face value, the arms might seem like they're doing the most work, bu...
Quick Tip - Fine in the Spine
Okay, right off the jump, let's admit it. Most of us really aren't as good to our back as we should be. I've been noticing a bit of that recently, notably in the gym, but also at home. I've been known to be a bit of a gamer in my spare time, or at least the type to go home and work on a computer ...
Quick Tip - Changing Grips
Sometimes, an injury can force you to need to make changes to your game. In today's case, said injuries have resulted in the need to learn a new grip. We talk about it all the time here at Graves Golf, but every swing starts with two key factors- grip and address. So, if you have had to make any ...
Quick Tip - Moe Versus the World
Folks, let's have a little fun today. Those who frequently look through Graves Golf On-Demand will know that we have already compared Bryson DeChambeau's swing to Moe's. We will be doing that today, plus some bonuses. Join us for this edition of Single Plane Quick Tips, where Tim Graves, PGA, tak...
Quick Tip - Stop the Slide
Triston here, as always with these Quick Tips. I've been spending more time out on the range recently, and by far the biggest learning curve to me has been anything to do with irons or wedges, particularly the former. At the moment, I have a hard time making a divot. While editing this Quick Tip,...
Quick Tip - Zero-One-Two
Today we continue with the positions talk, specifically from setup to the top of the backswing. If you've been paying attention and are seriously working on your swing, then the significance of these positions is a no-brainer. What you're doing between when you set your feet and start your downsw...
Quick tip - Over the Top
If you had to choose, which of the positions would you say is the most difficult for you? Personally, I've been learning the swing myself, and for me, the transition from position 2 to 3 has had the biggest learning curve. I'm a baseball guy, and I didn't hit in college since I was a pitcher, but...
Quick Tip - From Long to Short
We've talked about awkward distances from time to time, but always from a standpoint of club selection. That information is good to have, obviously, but it doesn't cover the mechanical side of dealing with different ranges of shot. It might seem like full swing mechanics and short game mechanics ...
Quick Tip - 2 to 4
When it comes to common swing mistakes, over rotation is one that many golfers struggle with, and it's easy to see why. Golf is a rotational sport, so naturally there needs to be a level of rotation to the swing, but if that rotation isn't mechanically correct, then it is doing much more harm tha...
Quick Tip - Todd's Choice
Let's face it, consistent mechanics are a major wall when improving in the Single Plane Swing. With that said, I'd like to split that sentence up into two portions and put them both under the microscope. Consistent mechanics take time to learn, there is no real two ways about it. Secondly, said m...
Quick Tip - Masters Music Part 2
Earlier in the week, we started the conversation about the Masters Music. If you missed it, the general idea is that right after winter, there's the Masters. You should be training over the winter, so that when the Masters Music starts playing, you're a better golfer. We talked about the importan...
Quick Tip - Winter Prep - Swing Thing
By now, it should be clear that winter is not very far away. As such, you should be thinking about your game plan when it comes to practicing over the winter. Putting is easy enough, given our array of training aids that are designed with indoor training in mind, but full swing training could ver...
Quick Tip - To Tee or Not to Tee
To tee, or not to tee, that is the question. Initially, the answer may seem straightforward, but the more astute golfer will know that it isn't necessarily black and white. In it's most simplest explanation, when you tee up a ball, you are putting it on a pedestal. Obviously, you need to do this ...
B.A.T. - Ball Position, Alignment, and Tempo
Tim Graves, PGA, gives a rundown of B.A.T.
Quick Tip - Alignment on the Tee Box
Every hole starts in one place- the tee box. As every golfer knows, that first shot will entirely shape how you play the hole. Naturally, it's a shot that you want to get right. As such, we start at one of the two pillars that begin every shot- the address. Get your address nailed down, and you'l...
Quick Tip - Release Plane
There are a lot of prominent factors in the swing that can influence the end result, things that of course we have covered time and time again. Today, we are looking at a more specific part of the swing, that being the angle and release of the hands in the swing. Release is a somewhat natural par...
Quick Tip - Alignment Check
If there's two things that you should pay attention to when it comes to your Single Plane Swing, the first is grip, the second is address. both are equally crucial, but the latter will be our focus today. When you're aiming for something, the first thing you need to is set your stance. Given how ...