Short Game

Short Game

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Short Game
  • Quick Tips - Set and Drop

    Following along with our trend of talking about positions 1-3 this month, today we are talking transitioning into impact. One of the most unnatural things you can do mechanically while chipping is keep your hips in place, and stand tall through the swing. Not only will it create awkward compensat...

  • Quick Tips - An Awkward Spot

    The "chitch," ever heard of it? I hadn't, but I'd be willing to bet every golfer encounters at least one or two per round. The word might look a little dirty at first look, but it's just a combination of a chip and a pitch. We've discussed fly and roll here before, but what do you do when you nee...

  • Quick Tips - Angle of Attack

    A few months ago, when it was still sunny and warm here in Oklahoma, I was out at the range here at our Performance Center. If you've been here before, you'll know that we have a bunker by the practice green. We had just finished shooting with some time to kill, so Pops and I took to the bunker. ...

  • Quick Tips - The Grip Tip

    We've had the Hip Tip, we've had the Chip Tip, today we have the Grip Tip. Yup, today is about as cut and dry as the name would suggest. At least, that's what I figured, but it turns out there is a lot more to talk about. The name of the game today is actually the wrists. If there's one thing I w...

  • Quick Tips - The Chip Tip

    We started the week off with the Hip Tip, today I bring to you the Chip Tip. For some, chipping is a daunting part of the game, given that it is very easy to badly execute one and add a stroke to the hole. It doesn't have to be so tough, you just need to remember four words: minimize fly, maximiz...

  • Quick Tip - Slay the Sand

    Folks, I spent some time in the bunker the other day! Funny enough, it was right after we filmed this video. I remember enjoying the bunkers as a kid, even if it was just because I would play in the sand, but I didn't expect to have a good, even if mildly frustrating experience as a young adult. ...

  • Quick Tip - Proper Grind

    For those who have been in the game for a long time, you'll know that clubs have changed a lot over the years. When we think of advancements in club technology, the driver is understandably what comes to mind. There have been a lot of advances in the world of drivers, see the videos on Graves Gol...

  • Quick Tip - Out the Rough

    Let's face it, bad shots happen. All the talent and practice in the world won't always lead to the perfect round, but that adds to the character of golf. Golf is a beautiful game that isn't black and white. You will find yourself improvising and adapting to your situation from time to time. The r...

  • Quick Tip - Lay Up

    Unfortunately, there are no backboards in golf. Sometimes, you'll find yourself face to face with an awkward chip, where if you overshoot, your ball is lost. These shots can carry a lot of pressure, but with proper training and execution, they are very much doable. Join us as Tim Graves, PGA, exp...

  • Quick Tip - High Lip

    Time for a tough scenario on the course. You're playing a par four, and you kick things off with an excellent drive. Three shots left, not too much farther to the hole, so you make your second shot. The shot itself was okay, but slightly offline, and now you've found yourself in the bunker. Not o...

  • Quick Tip - Angle of Attack

    If you look at our most recent string of Quick Tips, we have been covering divot very heavily. Naturally, this is for a good reason, as the concept is one that applies to multiple common shots you'll encounter in any given round of golf. With that in mind, being able to make a consistent divot th...

  • Quick Tip - Pork and Bacon

    When talking about short game, the subject of taking divots is often brought up. Do you need to take one? If so how deep? What sorts of shots should have no divot at all? Well, today we are taking a little bit of a look into that. Moe had unique ways of looking at the game of golf and the mechani...

  • Quick Tip - Long Chip Shots

    Putt when you can, chip when you can't putt, pitch when you have to. If you've been around for a while, you have heard us preach this before. Today, we take a look at the long chip, another bridge between your full swing and the green. Getting these shots down can take those awkward distances an...

  • Quick Tip - The Flop

    Today, we are covering another specialty shot, this time one taken from tight lies. The flop shot is important for situations when you need to get height on the ball, with minimal roll to secure a spot on the green. As such, it is important to get the shot down, though in the case of specialty sh...

  • Quick Tip - From a Distance

    When it comes to our Single Plane Quick Tips, we've been having a bit of a Short Game Summer. Things are starting to cool off, but that doesn't mean that you should start slacking on your short game. Today, we cover the long chip. In a previous quick tip, the short game was described as a bridge ...

  • Quick Tip - Chipping with Paint

    When it comes to connecting the dots for lower scores, your short game is always going to be the best bridge you can build. Your short game connects your fairway approach to your final putt, so training it is of greater importance than some might realize. We have covered plenty of chipping-orient...

  • Quick Tip - Lob Shot Drill

  • The Lie Don't Lie

    If there is one thing that can ruin a perfectly good round, it's frequently finding yourself dealing with bad lies. Lies can range from up, to down, to left, to right, and it can get tough to handle, but it doesn't have to tank your round. The lie don't lie, and that's just the truth, so join us ...

  • Out of the Rough

    Let's face it. Sometimes, your shot doesn't end up like you thought it would, and you've got to make do with what you've got. The rough can be a scary place to some, and it can even drastically effect the hole for some, but it doesn't have to. A player that is able to salvage a shot from the roug...

  • Quick Tip - Tough Lies

    Let's face it. The golf course isn't flat, and sometimes, you find yourself facing a shot off of tough lies. When you're in situations like this, panicking or overthinking the shot can be your biggest downfall. Truth is, adjusting your mechanics is all it takes to make these shots much easier, bu...

  • Quick Tip - Getting Sandy

    Let's face it. Sometimes, you end up with your toes in the sand, and not in the relaxing way. Bunker shots can be a bit tough to tackle at first, especially the ones where there is major pressure to salvage a par on that given hole. Thankfully, we've developed a tool that is great for handling th...

  • Quick Tips - Stop the Cast

    In the golf swing, it has to be said that the wrists are an unsung hero when it comes to achieving the perfect impact position. Wrist mobility not only helps you keep your hands leading, but it also helps prevent the dreaded cast. There are many tell-tale signs that you are either casting or that...

  • Quick Tip - Head Down

    Mechanics are an incredibly important part of any sport, and thus, we've covered them plenty in our Quick Tips series. Rotation is the usual suspect in terms of mechanics, but today we will be covering something different, that being the motion of the head. Your head sits on top of your shoulders...

  • Quick Tip - Principals of Pitching

    Lets face it, pitches aren't exactly the first thing that most golfers would think of when it comes to commonly encountered shots on the course. Obviously, every hole starts with a full swing, and almost always end with a putt. However, there are shots in between, and few of them are more importa...