Quick Tips - Angle of Attack
Short Game
5m 46s
A few months ago, when it was still sunny and warm here in Oklahoma, I was out at the range here at our Performance Center. If you've been here before, you'll know that we have a bunker by the practice green. We had just finished shooting with some time to kill, so Pops and I took to the bunker. At that point in time we had been shooting some videos on our Sandy Andy, and once I was done messing around with that, Pops put a wedge in my hands. Woof. That bunker's wall is quite tall, so the ball either got sent into the lip at full speed, or air mailed over the green entirely. Naturally, Pops steps in to help. Want to guess what my issue was? My downward swing wasn't v-shaped, and I was aiming at the ball, rather than behind it. I give you that story to say that today we talk about angle of attack, so join Tim Graves, PGA, as he explains why angle of attack is so important with your chips.
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