Quick Tips - Set and Drop
Short Game
3m 18s
Following along with our trend of talking about positions 1-3 this month, today we are talking transitioning into impact. One of the most unnatural things you can do mechanically while chipping is keep your hips in place, and stand tall through the swing. Not only will it create awkward compensations, but those adjustments will translate into the path of the club head itself. What's more, it will have knock-on effects on the divot itself. See what I'm saying? What I've learned while writing these Quick Tips is that the golf swing isn't really just one action, it's a sequence of events unfolding, and that is a really good way to think about why you should be setting your hips. Fulcrum is another good term for it, as your set hips will give your body something to pivot around. That's a lot of mechanical talk, but it's justified. Things are starting to get warmer here, hopefully they are for you too, and you can get out to get your chips ready for spring. Join Tim Graves, PGA, as he explains set and drop, and how this translates to your chip.
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