Quick Tip - The 5-Footers
Folks, today is a long tip about the short putts. Eagles are great, the dream drive is great, but fundamentals lower scores. What does it take to sink 5 footers more consistently? Face angle and having a good path to your stroke. There's a bit more to it, but those two building blocks will really solidify your putting game. Naturally, your putter choice can indeed play into success on the greens too, which we've also got you covered on. Join Tim Graves, PGA, as he talks about the 5-foot putts, and gives a rundown on tools and techniques to improve at them.
Up Next in Putting
Quick Tips - Lead Hand Low
When it comes to putting grips, I've got to admit that lead hand low seems to be the most popular option these days, or at least the one I've heard the most about. The numbers back this up too, as all the elite guys and gals on tour use this grip. Turns out, it's got some. benefits to it. The mai...
Quick Tips - Pulled Putts
Let's face it, pulled putts happen. You line up with your target, you read the break, if there is any, and then all of a sudden, you drag the putt wide of the hole. It's easy to do, but it's also easy to fix. A pulled putt is typically the result of flipping (casting) your putter during your stro...
Quick Tips - Putting Pendulum
Shaft lean is a topic we often cover here at Graves Golf, in pretty much all aspects of the game. In today's tip. Today, we cover it as it pertains to your putting game. The ideal putting stroke is entirely linear, and the body's natural movement is anything but. I've said that before in one of m...