Elite 8 Skills Assessment Challenges

Elite 8 Skills Assessment Challenges

The videos in this section are instructions on how to conduct all Elite 8 Skills Assessments.

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Elite 8 Skills Assessment Challenges
  • Elite 8 - 6FT Timmy Time

    Assessment Instructions: Putt 2 balls from 6 feet away from the hole. Try to go around the clock starting at 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, and so on without missing 2 in a row. If you make one / miss one at a location, you are safe. You stay in that position. If you make both, you go to the next...

  • Elite 8 - 20 Foot Lag Challenge

    Assessment Instructions: 20-foot putt with a club laid down behind hole 17 inches. How many can you make in the hole, or leave in the safe zone beyond the hole (between the hole and the club beyond the hole) out of 10 putts?

    Scoring: How many out of 10 can you make or leave in the zone without ...

  • Elite 8 - Putting It Together

    Assessment Instructions: Roll 2 Balls off the green. Chip them toward a hole. If you make the putt, chip up and one putt in, you get a point. If you get up and down with 2nd ball you get a 2nd point. Roll the balls off the green to a different spot, do it again. If you get next ball up and down, ...

  • Elite 8 - Landing Zone Challenge

    Assessment Instructions: From 10 paces off the green, place 2 clubs 3 feet apart (landing zone). How many chips can you land in the landing zone and bounce over the 2nd club out of 10 shots? You must land in the landing zone and one hop out.

    Scoring: How many out of 10 can you hit in the landing...

  • Elite 8 - 80-20 Assessment

    Assessment Instructions: Pick a hole on a green or use a throw a hole in your yard, etc... Lay your ABT 2 paces short of the hole and lay you SPPT 2 paces behind the hole. From 10 paces away from the ABT, pitch 10 balls towards the hole. The ball must land past the ABT and stay short of the SPPT ...

  • Elite 8 - Stay in Your Lane 7 Iron

    Assessment Instructions: You will need to use a yardstick for this assessment. At the 17” mark, put a black mark with a Sharpie, one inch on each side of the black line, and mark a green mark. You will select a target on the range and place the black line on that target. Look at the ruler and se...

  • Elite 8 - Stay in Your Lane - Driver

    Assessment Instructions: You will need to use yardstick for this assessment. At the 17” mark you will put a black mark with a Sharpie, one inch on each side of the black line you will have a green mark, and one inch on each side put a blue mark. Place the black mark on a target and look at the bl...

  • Elite 8 - 3G Bunker Assessment

    Assessment Instructions: "Get the Ball Out, Get the Ball On, Get the Ball Close Challenge. Take 10 balls, roll in bunker, hit them out of bunker toward a target.

    Scoring: If ball gets out of bunker - 1 point. If ball gets on the green - 2 points. If ball gets within 6 feet of the hole - 3 poi...

  • Elite 8 - 3FT Timmy Time

  • Elite 8 - Chipping Ladder

    Elite 8 Chipping Ladder Assessment

  • Elite 8 - Box Assessment

    Brad Fulton, PGA, and Oli Stanway guide you through our latest Elite 8 Assessment - The Box Assessment

  • Elite 8 Stay in Your Lane - Hybrids

    The hybrids version of the Stay in Your Lane assessments

  • Elite 8 9-Hole Pullbacks

  • Elite 8 Assessment - On the Number

    This period's Elite 8 Assessment, On the Number.

  • Elite 8 Assessment - Play By Height

    Elite 8 Assessment, titled Play By Height, demonstrated by Oli Stanway and Derek Hahn, PGA.

  • Elite 8 - Keeping Records

    Welcome to the beginning of the next series in the Elite 8 Assessments. Today, we start it out nice and easy, but with a fundamental skill in improving your golf game. This one isn't full swing, its not short game, this one starts in the notebook. Join us as Tim Graves, PGA, explains how to track...

  • Elite 8 Assessments - Hang Time

    Welcome back to the beginning of 2024's Elite 8 Assessments. Today, Tim Graves, PGA, covers hang time, and the ideal amount of air you should get under each shot.

  • Elite 8 Assessments - Timmy Time

  • Elite 8 - Humming Drill Assessment

    Tension is a natural thing when it comes to competitive endeavors. However, you shouldn't be letting that tension affect your swing physically. Today's assessment will teach you to manage that tension in a fun way. Humming is not only a way to keep your mind from getting in the way of your swing,...

  • Elite 8 Assessments - Single Leg Balance

    Balance is an important thing, in many more ways than one. Of course, we cover it in the physical sense, the type of balance that will apply directly to your golf game. There are plenty of uneven lies on the average course, and it takes balance to coordinate a controlled, consistent shot off of t...

  • Elite 8 - Middle Irons Assessment

    In today's Elite 8 Assessment, we are going to be tackling the middle irons. In terms of full swing, there are many golfers who overlook their irons in favor of their driver, at least when it comes to practice. Irons, as well as hybrids, are a critical well-rounded part of the bag. Naturally, bei...

  • ELITE 8 - Lag Assessment

  • Elite 8 - Putting Mental Game

    Pre-shot, in-shot, post-shot routine. Sound familiar? If you have been using the resources available to you as an Elite or VIP, you should have come across our mental game material by now. Golf is a very mental sport, often with periods of downtime, so creating and managing a routine will help yo...

  • Elite 8 - Hybrid Assessment

    Let's face it, as time goes on, the makeup of your bag changes. While yes sometimes these changes are personal preference, there are times where a change is strictly a necessary one. As we age, we lose distance. There's no shame in that, nor is there shame in adapting your bag. Switching out your...

  • Elite 8 - Putter Tee Drill

    Putter face path is one of the most important factors of the putter game, and can make or break an important stroke. Because of this, it is important to find ways to practice and assess it. Thankfully, putter path is a very simple thing to work on, provided that you know what you're looking for, ...

  • Elite 8 - Red Green Grey Zone

    When we think about things that can improve our scores in the game of golf, it can be easy to pass up on the mental game. In reality, there are few things that can make such a large difference so quickly when they're properly addressed. Mental game takes on many forms, and today we will be taking...

  • Elite 8 - Seated Trunk Rotation

    When it comes to important motions in golf, there is none more important than the ability of the core to rotate and build power via torque. While this is something that can unfortunately be lost as time goes on and the body ages, this doesn't mean you should give up on it. Consistent training wil...

  • Elite 8 - Driver Fairway Assessment

    Today, it's time to tackle the most popular shot in golf, that being the initial driver shot onto the fairway. The reasons why this shot are important should be quite obvious, that being that it sets the tone for the whole, or even the round. Naturally, becoming consistent with this shot will gre...