Quick tips - Lead Hand Low II
3m 37s
Folks, today we return to the putting talk. As we've been taking questions, we've had a lot of questions on putter grip. To be fair, your grip is very important, and you're asking the right person, so I don't blame you. It's given me a lot of good tips for myself, so thank you all for that. Anywho, what's the deal with putting grips? Let me make it simple, lead hand low is where all the benefits are at. With other grips, shoulders are prone to opening up, which leads to compensations elsewhere that cause unnecessary complications. That's a lot of ten dollar words to say that if you struggle with pulling your putts, or missing the short ones, then you should really give this grip a try. I know that once the ice thaws here, I'll give it a go. I'm hearing spring is right around the corner, and I'll cheers to that. Have a nice Thursday, or whatever day you're reading this on.
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