Quick Tip - What's in the Bag?
Club Tips
2m 16s
It should go without saying that two different golf bags will very rarely have the exact same composition of clubs. This is for a myriad of reasons, one of the biggest ones being that the clubs you swing depend on your needs as a golfer. Carrying hybrids rather than irons is the immediate example of this that comes to mind. Ever been curious about what Tim carries? There is no drill this time around, think of today a bit like a field trip. Speaking of field trips, and speaking of clubs, stay tuned in January, where we will be releasing the footage we shot at Callaway recently, which features exclusive interviews with Callaway engineers and product line managers. Enjoy, and here's to high spirits going into a brand new year. Cheers.
Up Next in Club Tips
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Today, we talk ball. Specifically, we talk golf balls. Growing up, I knew that clubs were important and made a difference, but I'd never thought that the ball really mattered much. I just knew that I liked Nike Mojo golf balls, even if just for the name alone. Since I've started working here, it ...
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Quick Tip - Lock-n-Roll Q&A Part 1
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